Fashion Revolution – Who made my clothes?
Last week was Fashion Revolution Week. The Rana Plaza building that housed garment factories collapsed in a preventable accident 10 years ago. Over 1100 people lost their lives and at least 2500 were hurt. The Fashion Revolution Week is about #RememberingRanaPlaza and the lives lost, and demanding that no one dies for fashion.

At MORICO we design all of our pieces in Finland. You can find a list of our suppliers at our website. We produce our clothing in Türi, Estonia, and we have worked closely with this same sewing place since the beginning. In the pics below, you can see some of the skilful makers of MORICO clothing.

Rather than having seasonal collections, we aim to continuity and production according to demand and available materials. Our materials include for example recycled textiles, Tencel™, Ecovero™ and certified organic cotton produced mostly in Germany, Italy and Portugal. Most of our prints are made in Finland as well as all our jewellery. You can read more about our materials here.
Our jewellery is made from Finnish birch, and they are laser cut and assembled in Helsinki. Here is a picture of Soili who makes our jewellery in Kallio Helsinki. She is a jewellery designer who produces jewellery in small series with her own label Sora Design and she also collaborates also with different small brands.

Our goal is to use high quality materials and make designs that last with values that are based on taking care of the environment, and the people involved. You can be part of the fashion revolution! There are many ways you can be a Fashion Revolutionary and use your voice and power to make positive change. Make wise purchase decisions, support your local sustainable brands and remember to love, re-use and recycle all your pieces of clothing. You can also sign the Fashion Revolution Manifesto:
♡ & ♲
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